A Short Note on a Dipterous Parasite Infesting the Local Locust PoecJlocerusbutonJusKlug (pergomorphidae) in Central Saudi Arabia |
Reliability of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:5 Weight Extracts for Expressing Salinity in Light-textured Soils of Saudi Arabia |
Effect of Three Commercial Conditioners on Available Water, Water Conserved, and Crust Strength of a Loamy Sand Soil |
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Maize Pericarp and Associated Fungi after Treatment with Hot Mixture of Alcohol and Sodium Hypochlorite |
Chemical Characteristics and Bacterial Contamination of Groundwater in Buraydah, Saudi Arabia |
Biochemical Changes in Lettuce Plants Infected with Lettuce Mosaic Virus |
Thermotherapy of Lettuce Mosaic Virus Infected Seeds |
First Report of ZucchiniYellow Mosaic Virus on Cucurbits in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia |
The Persistence of Chlorpyriphos and Alphamethrin Insee-ticides on Cotton Foliage |
Inhibition of ATPases Activity in Torpedo Fish by DDT, Dicofol, and Chlorobenzilate Pesticides |
Effects of Casing Soil Amendmentsand Nutrient Supplemen-tation on Mushroom Cropping |
Effect of Auxin-Cytokinin Interaction on Micropropagation of Date Palm |
Quality Attributes of Six Wheat Cultivars Grown under Water-Stress Conditions |
Iron Nutrition of Soybean Plants in Relation to Nitrogen Form |
The Effect of Dietary Energy Level and Length of Feeding on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Imported Merino Wethers |
Seasonal Variations in Hematological Valoes of High-and Average-yielding Holstein Cattle in Semi-arid Environment |
Mechanization Provisions of Modern Farms in Saudi Arabia |
Milk ProductionCharacteristicsof Friesian Cowsunder Con-ditions of Saudi Arabia: A Comparative Lactation Curve Model Approach |
The Effectiveness of Agricultural Exhibitions as an Extension and Educational Method |
Factors and Impacts of Expatriate Labor in AgriculturalSec-tor in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia |
A Study of Training Needs of Cooperatives Personnel in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Local Production, Surpluses and Shortages of Broilers in the Different Regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Economic Study of Factors Affecting the Developmentof Ani-mal Production in Saudi Arabia |